
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oil Rig Jobs - Should You Use Online Finder Services?

Oil Rig Jobs - Should You Use Online Finder Services?
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Michael_Horben]Michael Horben

If you are interested in working in the oil fields then you are most likely aware that the majority of oil rig jobs are overseas. This can make it a little more challenging when it comes to applying for a job. When the company you want to work for is headquartered in foreign country you cannot simply fly there to fill out an application. In fact most people today are turning to online oil rig job finder services to get the employment they seek.

Why do these Companies Recruit Online?

Like many careers fields, the oil industry has been using some form of recruitment agency to fill the vacancies it has. Since many of the oil rig jobs are located overseas it makes it impractical for them to have an office in every country in the world to find qualified employees. At one time these companies placed ads in major newspapers or in some cases had recruiting fairs in major cities once a year to hire new workers.

Today, thanks to the Internet it is much easier for them to make use of online job finding services to fill the empty positions. They can use an online recruiter to fulfill several different functions including initial screening to make sure that only those who are qualified, physically able and seriously interested make it to the interview phase of the application process. This saves everyone time and money and weeds out those who are not capable of the work.

What Can an Online Recruiter do for Me?

If you are considering one of the many oil rig jobs that are still available even in today's slumping economy you will find that using an online jobs finder service is likely to be your best bet. These services are in many ways like a one stop shopping market, they have lists provided to them by the various oil companies covering which jobs they are trying to fill. This is vital information and not something that most people can find by simple research as the oil companies do not list their openings elsewhere.

Since it is the job of the recruiting company to screen all applicants seeking oil rig jobs, this is your one chance to really shine. Many of them have an online form that you will have to fill out if you want to be considered. While you may still have to send in a resume at a later date, this is the one time that you need to really pay attention and fill out the form very carefully. Make sure that you show yourself in the best possible light if you want to be considered.

The online oil rig jobs finder services are your best chance of finding work in the oil industry today. While there are still plenty of jobs to be found, the only way you are likely to find them is through one of these services. Some of them charge a fee to help you find a job and you will find that in most cases the fee will be well worth the high paying career that it will help you find. Working on the oil rigs can be a very financially rewarding career if you know how to go about getting started. [http://www.oilrigsjob.com]www.oilrigsjob.com is a great resource for people interested in Getting Oil Rig Jobs. Learn an effective simple system that wil teach you how to get Drilling Rig Jobs guranteed by clicking here: [http://www.oilrigsjob.com/oil-rig-employment]Oil Rig Employment

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Oil-Rig-Jobs---Should-You-Use-Online-Finder-Services?&id=4061401] Oil Rig Jobs - Should You Use Online Finder Services?

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Offshore Recruitment Agencies - Benefits to Clients and Candidates

Offshore Recruitment Agencies - Benefits to Clients and Candidates
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Washington_Stoker]Washington Stoker

When thinking about the term "offshore recruitment agencies", two things probably come to mind: those recruiters, who recruit for offshore, maritime, and oilfield jobs, and those recruitment agencies that are located overseas but recruit for jobs in the US. Depending on whether a candidate wants to be employed overseas or offshore, or if a company wants to hire an agency to recruit for them from an overseas location, these agencies can be found with an internet search.

The first type of agency is the type that recruits for jobs that are either overseas or offshore. These offshore jobs are generally in the oil industry or maritime industry. Jobs like these would include oil drillers or ship crewmen. The best way to find this type of recruiter is to use an internet search company that can put a candidate in contact with individual offshore recruiters depending on what type of job the candidate wants. These search companies also offer important information about visas needed for offshore jobs in overseas waters, as well as offering resume editing services.

The second type of agency is the literal offshore recruiter. Offshore recruiters are often located in countries like India where labor or services can be purchased inexpensively. Companies in the United States will often hire offshore agencies to go through candidate applications to find appropriate candidates for job vacancies. These candidates' résumés are then forwarded on to the company so they can decide who to hire.

In the past few years, there has been a lot of concern from the American public about the use of all offshore American jobs, and offshore agencies have been under a tremendous amount of fire as well. The general concern is that these cheaper recruiters will take jobs away from the United States. There is some discussion, however, that insists that this will never happen. Certainly, some offshore agencies will obtain simpler jobs; but the more complicated placements, like executives and lawyers, will still stay in the US. This is because a personal relationship is necessary for these candidates. Many business professional want to meet their recruiter in person; others need to have closer, more direct communication with their recruiter - recruiters often have to assist candidates in their decisions to take positions. This cannot be accomplished by recruitment agencies.

Between both types of offshore recruitment agencies, it is clear that both are relatively controversial. However, with the need for personal, intimate relationships between recruiters and candidates, it is not realistic to be concerned that all recruiter jobs will be moved overseas.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Offshore-Recruitment-Agencies---Benefits-to-Clients-and-Candidates&id=722702] Offshore Recruitment Agencies - Benefits to Clients and Candidates

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Oil Rig Employment

Oil Rig Employment
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Eddie_Mark_Johnson]Eddie Mark Johnson

Why is Oil rig employment is difficult to gain? Lots of people out there would love to start a new and financially rewarding career in the oil industry but find it difficult to know where to start.

Eddie Johnson has been working in the oil industry for over 30 Years and did 15 Years straight working on oil rigs offshore to the coast of Scotland, during that time he worked on many of the main rigs and gained experience in all aspects of oil rig employment.

In the old days it was generally word of mouth which got you a start on the rigs, many of the old school charge hands and foreman would look to recruit the same men as before which limited the chances of new recruits into the offshore business.

After taking early retirement from the rigs Eddie decided to put a helpful website together which lends a helping hand to possible new recruits to the oil and gas industry who would like a new and rewarding career working on rigs around the world.

Eddie suggests that little has changed with regards to gaining offshore employment and offers some sound advice in order to speed up the chances of getting a start.

What you have to understand is that to get a start on a rig you have to persevere and not give up if at first you don't succeed. Gaining oil rig employment can take time and effort and simply not as easy as trying once or twice.

There are ways and means to help increase your chances of getting a start offshore you simply have to dedicate yourself to finding that first start offshore.

There are qualifications necessary to gain the right to board a rig. You need survival training and medical examinations in order to even qualify for rig entry.

Even if you pass medical examinations and gain an up to date survival certificate you then have to find an rig that is willing to take you on. You can increase your chances if you know the right people or systems that could leap frog you to the front of the cue.

rel=nofollow [http://oilrigemployment.org]Oil Rig Employment is achievable if you try hard enough it really is, you need determination as nothing will come to you, you have to go to it as it were.

To Your Success

Eddie [http://oilrigemployment.org]Oil Rig Employment

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Oil-Rig-Employment&id=3233733] Oil Rig Employment

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oil Company Recruitment

Find out what working for Shell is all about, the people, projects and places, all working towards a responsible
energy future. Students and Graduates Professionals Job Search Is Shell right for me.

Responsible Energy,Real Energy World,Commitment to diversity and inclusion,Innovation,Leading on innovation,
About innovation,About Shell.Our business,Our major projects,Products & Services,Solutions for Businesses.

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Oil Company Recruitment

Find out what working for Shell is all about, the people, projects and places, all working towards a responsible energy future. Students and Graduates Professionals Job Search Is Shell right for me.

Responsible Energy,Real Energy World,Commitment to diversity and inclusion,Innovation,Leading on innovation,
About innovation,About Shell.Our business,Our major projects,Products & Services,Solutions for Businesses.

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