
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Offshore Recruitment Agencies - Benefits to Clients and Candidates

Offshore Recruitment Agencies - Benefits to Clients and Candidates
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Washington_Stoker]Washington Stoker

When thinking about the term "offshore recruitment agencies", two things probably come to mind: those recruiters, who recruit for offshore, maritime, and oilfield jobs, and those recruitment agencies that are located overseas but recruit for jobs in the US. Depending on whether a candidate wants to be employed overseas or offshore, or if a company wants to hire an agency to recruit for them from an overseas location, these agencies can be found with an internet search.

The first type of agency is the type that recruits for jobs that are either overseas or offshore. These offshore jobs are generally in the oil industry or maritime industry. Jobs like these would include oil drillers or ship crewmen. The best way to find this type of recruiter is to use an internet search company that can put a candidate in contact with individual offshore recruiters depending on what type of job the candidate wants. These search companies also offer important information about visas needed for offshore jobs in overseas waters, as well as offering resume editing services.

The second type of agency is the literal offshore recruiter. Offshore recruiters are often located in countries like India where labor or services can be purchased inexpensively. Companies in the United States will often hire offshore agencies to go through candidate applications to find appropriate candidates for job vacancies. These candidates' résumés are then forwarded on to the company so they can decide who to hire.

In the past few years, there has been a lot of concern from the American public about the use of all offshore American jobs, and offshore agencies have been under a tremendous amount of fire as well. The general concern is that these cheaper recruiters will take jobs away from the United States. There is some discussion, however, that insists that this will never happen. Certainly, some offshore agencies will obtain simpler jobs; but the more complicated placements, like executives and lawyers, will still stay in the US. This is because a personal relationship is necessary for these candidates. Many business professional want to meet their recruiter in person; others need to have closer, more direct communication with their recruiter - recruiters often have to assist candidates in their decisions to take positions. This cannot be accomplished by recruitment agencies.

Between both types of offshore recruitment agencies, it is clear that both are relatively controversial. However, with the need for personal, intimate relationships between recruiters and candidates, it is not realistic to be concerned that all recruiter jobs will be moved overseas.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Offshore-Recruitment-Agencies---Benefits-to-Clients-and-Candidates&id=722702] Offshore Recruitment Agencies - Benefits to Clients and Candidates

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